
Showing posts from August, 2011


From Bev Harris: I've been absent from the public eye for nearly four months, involved one of the most comprehensive examinations of voting information since 2005. I analyzed a sequential set of 80 voter history lists, 1,000 electronic poll book reports, a dozen master electronic poll book records, 50 participating voter lists, internal worksheets on purges, transaction logs for updates and changes in voter lists, user guides, correspondence and staff training materials. The findings will help citizens oversee the 2012 election. My five-part report for citizen oversight of WHO CAN VOTE / WHO DID VOTE will be released at , one major report per week, throughout the month of September 2011. Four things the public must be able to see and authenticate: 1. Who can vote (the voter list) 2. Who did vote (participating voter list) 3. Chain of custody 4. The count In what I believe is a truly pioneering evaluation, I'm going to take the public insi...

Charting the future of democracy

Take this easy 10 question political quiz to find out where you stand, The Then take the Coffee Party 60 question Quiz to get a graph of where you stand. Coffee Sphere  

Contract for the American Dream

How to build a democratic movement by 1. In­vest in Amer­ica’s In­fra­struc­ture. Re­build our crum­bling bridges, dams, lev­ees, ports, water and sewer lines, rail­ways, roads and pub­lic tran­sit. We must in­vest in high-speed In­ter­net and a mod­ern, en­ergy-sav­ing elec­tric grid. These in­vest­ments will cre­ate good jobs and re­build Amer­ica. To help fi­nance these pro­jects, we need na­tional and state in­fra­struc­ture banks. 2. Cre­ate 21st-Cen­tury En­ergy Jobs. We should in­vest in Amer­i­can busi­nesses that can power our coun­try with in­no­v­a­tive tech­nolo­gies like wind tur­bines, solar pan­els, ge­ot­her­mal sys­tems, hy­brid and elec­tric cars, and next-gen­er­a­tion bat­ter­ies. And we should put Amer­i­cans to work mak­ing our homes and build­ings en­ergy ef­fi­cient. We can cre­ate good, green jobs in Amer­ica, ad­dress the cli­mate cri­sis, and build the clean en­ergy econ­omy. 3. In­vest in Pub­lic Ed­u­ca­tion. We should pro­vide uni­ver­sa...