
Showing posts from September, 2008

Protecting the public interest in any economic "bailout"

The U.S. government has been turned into an engine that accelerates the wealth upwards into the hands of a few. The Wall Street bailout, the Iraq War, military spending, tax cuts to the rich, and a for-profit health care system are all about the acceleration of wealth upwards. And now, the American people are about to pay the price of the collapse of the $513 trillion Ponzi scheme of derivatives. Yes, that’s half a quadrillion dollars. Our first trillion dollar compression bandage will hardly stem the hemorrhaging of an unsustainable Ponzi scheme built on debt "de-leverages." Does anyone seriously think that our public and private debts of some $45 trillion will be paid? That the administration's growth of the federal debt from $5.6 trillion to $9.8 trillion while borrowing another trillion dollars from Social Security has nothing to do with this? Does anyone not see that when we spend nearly $16,000 for every family of four in our society for the military each year that ...

Movie Screenings: Stealing America, American Blackout, Uncounted, Hacking Democracy

UNCOUNTED: The New Math of American Elections The same manipluations of 2004 and 2006 looms over the 2008 election. Sept 25, 5pm & Sept 27, 5pm with Brad Friedman & guest panel Q&A San Diego Film Festival - Gaslamp Theatre - 701 5th Avenue downtown Hosted by Metro San Diego Progressive Democrats (PDA) 619.665.9415 Join us for our October film series, guest speakers and discussions Hacking Democracy The documentary that Diebold Corp doesn't want you to see...the disturbingly shocking HBO documentary bravely tangles with our nation's ills at the heart of democracy. Wed Oct 1, 6:30 pm social - 7pm program La Jolla Dem Club, 817 Silverado St, La Jolla 858-752-9544 Mon Oct 13, 7pm Joyce Beers Community Center, Hillcrest shopping center, Vermont near Univ. (next to Trader Joe's) Activist San Diego & TrueVoteSanDiego 858-459-4650 Stealing America: Vote by Vote The American ideal that every vote counts? Not true, according to this eye-opening d...

The biggest swindle in history!

If Wall Street gets away with this, it will represent an historic swindle of the American public--all sugar for the villains, lasting pain and damage for the victims. My advice to Washington politicians: Stop, take a deep breath and examine what you are being told to do by so-called "responsible opinion." If this deal succeeds, I predict it will become a transforming event in American politics--exposing the deep deformities in our democracy and launching a tidal wave of righteous anger and popular rebellion. As I have been saying for several months, this crisis has the potential to bring down one or both political parties, take your choice. First Published September 19, 2008 by The Nation .

Democracy Now! Free Speech! Free Press! Investigation!

The St. Paul City Attorney’s office announced Friday it will not prosecute Democracy Now! journalists Amy Goodman, Sharif Abdel Kouddous and Nicole Salazar. St. Paul Mayor Chris Coleman also issued a statement Friday that “the city will decline to prosecute misdemeanor charges for presence at an unlawful assembly for journalists arrested during the Republican National Convention.” Both announcements come two weeks after the conclusion of the Republican National Convention where over 40 journalists were arrested while reporting on protests taking place outside the convention center. Upon learning of the news, Democracy Now! Host, Amy Goodman said, “It’s good that these false charges have finally been dropped, but we never should have been arrested to begin with. These violent and unlawful arrests disrupted our work and had a chilling effect on the reporting of dissent. Freedom of the press is also about the public’s right to know what is happening on their streets. There needs to be a f...

Hold Them Accountable

Velvet Revolution Tell Congress to investigate Karl Rove’s cyber strategy to illegally manipulate elections. Click here to send an email to your Congress Members demanding immediate public hearings on whistleblower allegations that Rove architected and directed illegal attacks on Democratic candidates through the improper use of corporate funds channeled through fake Web-based front organizations, the improper political use of the Justice Department to prosecute opposition candidates, and the use of Internet based IT networks to alter election results. EFF Sues NSA, President Bush, and Vice President Cheney to Stop Illegal Surveillance

The Call to Drive Out the Bush Regime

YOUR GOVERNMENT, on the basis of outrageous lies, is waging a murderous and utterly illegitimate war in Iraq, with other countries in their sights. YOUR GOVERNMENT is openly torturing people, and justifying it. YOUR GOVERNMENT puts people in jail on the merest suspicion, refusing them lawyers, and either holding them indefinitely or deporting them in the dead of night. YOUR GOVERNMENT is moving each day closer to a theocracy, where a narrow and hateful brand of Christian fundamentalism will rule. YOUR GOVERNMENT suppresses the science that doesn't fit its religious, political and economic agenda, forcing present and future generations to pay a terrible price. YOUR GOVERNMENT is moving to deny women here, and all over the world, the right to birth control and abortion. YOUR GOVERNMENT enforces a culture of greed, bigotry, intolerance and ignorance. People look at all this and think of Hitler - and they are right to do so. The Bush regime is setting out to radically remake society ve...

Tim Burners Lee and W3C Foundation

Since the early days of the World Wide Web, I realized the potential of unlimited communication and access of information to change our world, create true democracy, provide access to education, and empower the powerless. Combined with the concerns of journalism and a free press, the power of the internet has the potential to hold accountable those in power and help us choose who best to lead us into our complex future. Much of my study has been concentrated in the area defined below as "Web Science" because of the obvious potentials, and so have my efforts to inform you, my reader. Computer Science became communication technology, and publishing became multi-media. My Journalism became blogging and what your are reading is part of that evolution. According to Tim Burners Lee - a former CERN scientist credited with the invention of the World Wide Web, the future of the web should be founded upon the: basic social values of trustworthiness, privacy, and respect for social boun...

The Definition of Dick

I love ON THE MEDIA , they ask the right questions to the right people to give us the insight we need to make informed decisions. BROOKE GLADSTONE: So we called the Vice President’s office, and this is what they told us, quote: “The office of the Vice President currently follows the Presidential Records Act and will continue to follow the requirements of the law, which includes turning over vice-presidential records to the National Archives at the end of the term. Since the matter is currently under investigation, we will not comment further,” unquote. So, Anne, why don't you believe the Vice President? ANNE WEISMANN: Well, it’s not a question of not believing them, although I will say their track record is far from great on that score. But if you listen to what he actually said, it’s fine for him to give the bland assurance that they're complying with the act, but they have a completely different view than we do as to what that act actually requires him to do. BROOKE GLADSTONE...

The True Choice

I realize that the vast majority of American citizens are oblivious to the fact that their country has been pulled out from under them. Most Americans are the uneducated products of the defunct public school system, or worse ignorant immigrants who still shackled with despotism of their home countries fear reprisal if they speak up about anything. Living pay-check to pay-check tends to keep you hungry, afraid than if you rock the boat you might be fired and starve in this land of the free. Above all Americans are lazy, willingly lulled to sleep by entertaining TV and sports shows that vivify them with pseudo-intellectual pursuits, so they can deny their failures and pretend that they are not slaves. Since the farce of an election in 2000, when the Supreme Court overstepped itself and illegally judged the presidential election without grounds or president, the Executive Administration of George W. Bush, with the help of the corrupt Congress and Senate, have 'adjusted' the Consti...

American Truth and Reconciliation

Remembering 9/11 and Moving Towards a Re-United States of America by Dennis J Kucinich September11, 2008 We suffer in our remembrance of 9/11, because of the terrible loss of innocent lives on that grim day. We also suffer because 9/11 was seized as an opportunity to run a political agenda... It is not simply 9/11 that needs to be remembered. We also need to remember the politicization of 9/11 and the polarizing narrative which followed... As we were all victims of 9/11, so we have become victims of the interpretation of 9/11. 9/11 Op-Ed article by Dennis Kucinich: America must move from the errant, retributive justice of 9/11 to a healing, restorative process of truth and reconciliation. Before the Congress adjourns, I will bring forth a new proposal for the establishment of a National Commission on Truth and Reconciliation, which will have the power to compel testimony and gather official documents to reveal to the American people not only the underlying deception which has divi...

100 Days to save the Constitution

The Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) has started the campaign to take back America. Over the last eight years, the Bush administration has systematically dismantled the most important rights and protections in the United States Constitution. In the first 100 days of office, the next president can, often with the stroke of a pen, restore, protect, and expand the fundamental rights on which our nation was founded. It is up to all of us to see that he does. The Center for Constitutional Rights' 100 Days Campaign focuses on the harm done by previous administrations and the hopes we have for making the country a better place for all. Join us in telling the next administration what you want to see in the first 100 days. Look for a series of white papers, videos, speaking tours and online activism that will bring these issues front and center in the public debate. This brochure provides an overview of the issue areas covered in our 100 Days Campaign, including: Ending Torture, Ren...

Obama Beach Bash - La Jolla Shores, CA

More Info Location La Jolla Shores 8400 El Paseo Grande North Kellog Park San Diego, CA 92101 760 438-2529 How to find us "Look for the signs and banners at the north end of the parking lot." Who’s coming? 1 Yes / 1 Maybe (RSVP deadline: September 6, 2008 1:00 AM) Who's organizing? (Organizing: Carla Mays - 760-438-2529) Obama Beach Bash Music, Outreach, Fellowship, Fun, Action Obama and Democratic Slate Beach Party and Outreach Event Saturday, September 6th, 2008 Schedule 6:00 AM - Set Up Crew: Tent off 2-3 Fire Rings, Set Up Park 8:00 AM - Volunteers Arrive: Set up Campaign Village and schedule coverage. 11:00 - Start BBQ 12:00 Noon - Official Start Time 2:00 - 3:00 - Candidates Speak 5:00 - Bonfire Setup 6:00 - Close BBQ and Campaign Village, Start Drum Circle and Bonfire Obama Peace & Love Beach Bash Calling all San Diegans to the beach! Bring your boards, nets, balls, kayaks, musical instruments, good vibes, food to share and wood to burn for the bonfire. Potluck...